Application Development

Zigabyte understands full stack development. Our developers take into account the role of the system administrator as well as the user to deliver solutions that ease the burden of administration.


  • Zigabyte developers are platform agnostic. We’ve developed desktop, web and mobile application in Windows (using Visual Studio), Linux (using Eclipse and NetBeans), and Mac (VS for Mac / Android Studio).
  • Zigabyte has developed mobile apps using Xamarin Forms as well as Progressive Web Apps. We believe that you should only have one code base for Android and iOS Apps.
  • Zigabyte has developed multiple web applications using ASP.Net MVC, ASP.Net Core, and in Java using the Spring Framework.
  • Zigabyte has developed expertise in integrating CAC (common access cards), RFID chips/tokens, and PDF forms in desktop applications, Windows services, and web applications.
  • Zigabyte uses automated testing tools like Selenium and Watir. This standardizes your testing procedures, reducing the amount of time and people needed for testing.


  • Zigabyte works with many ORM’s, we deploy Dapper or Hibernate (NHibernate) for rapid development cases and Entity Framework when a more robust solution is needed.
  • Zigabyte uses Git for code changes, database manipulations, and deployment. We believe in a continuous integration process.
Zigabyte believes in application development at the client's comfort level. If you want to stick with what’s worked for you so far, great - we’ll work with you. If you want to go with the cutting edge, great - we’ll work with you!

Services & Consulting

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